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Gaga Refugee Camp - Chad Africa  Beautiful Project2.jpg

Darfur, Sudan

Since 2003, armed conflict in the Darfur region of Westen Sudan has claimed the lives of over 300,000 people and displaced over 2.5 million more. In partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR), Pamela and her Beautiful Project team shipped nearly half a ton of art and other supplies to the refugee camps and worked with 160 of Darfur's child refugees to sketch, draw, and paint not only their deeply personal experiences with the war in Sudan

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Minnesota Mural

Led by Pamela and the Beautiful Project team, over 70 adults and 40 children from the community of all abilities (including adults with autism and brain injuries, staff from city hall, the sanitation and police departments, public works, city council members, children from area youth groups, and long-time community citizens and immigrants alike), ranging in ages from 10 years – 75 years of age came together to create this giant community masterpiece called “The Tree of Life”. 

The Beautiful Project, started in 2006 by Pamela Sukhum, is a
registered 501c3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.



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